Paola’s cooking class in chianti region advantages you to live an unforgettable experience in a truly beautiful  territory

Chianti region is one of the most beautiful countryside in Italy a landscape of medium high hills over about 20 sq kilometers with   morphological and natural characteristics to make this region unique

The small village in the municipality of San Casciano val di Pesa  where Paola’s cooking class are held is located in the heart district of Chianti that includes the hilly area among Firenze Siena and Arezzo towns.

the visual feature that more than any other captures the attention of tourists is that of the many rows of vines that alternate with olive trees

the peculiarity of climate and soil make the Chianti region  the perfect territory  to produce high quality wines

Cooking  class in chianti region

to participate to Paola’s cooking class permits to mix different experiences, such as the  fun during cooking class  and the possibility to explore a territory rich of history art e breathtaking landscapes

you are right there in the heart of it

Florence at only 24KM distance

Arezzo at 87KM distance

Empoli at 26KM distance

Siena at 54KM distance

Volterra at 54KM distance

San Gimignano at 36KM distance